I was in love with my career even before I graduated.

When I was  18 years old, I always had a camera capturing moments that I felt in my soul and shooting them to permanence in the time.


I've been an analog photographer since 1998, and it's a great reason to see photography from another contemporary point of view.

without losing sight of it!

I still remember how slowly the image appeared on photographic paper, how you discovered the best version of the contact strip of your developing machine, and the chemical smell that revealed your image.


Never imagine how complex it could be to capture a moment in history to project an image that could impact the minds of consumers to buy a product and make it necessary.

Now I continue in the transition from analog to digital, where the second never exceeds the first.


The ease of the digital world allows you unlimited access to the current market without forgetting that part of the projection is always remembering the experiential and authentic, showing it most naturally.


Research and projection are the inspiration to achieve the final goal.


Experience has taught me that behind an image is a photographer with a clear idea to achieve the desired result.